Victor Boniface
Geburtsdatum 23.12.2000
Alter 23
Nat. Nigeria  Nigeria
Größe 1,90m
Vertrag bis 30.06.2028
Position Mittelstürmer
Fuß rechts
Akt. Verein Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Leistungsdaten: 23/24

Insgesamt 342110

Boniface, Victor (40 Mio. €, Bayer 04 Leverkusen)

23.07.2023 - 01:28 Uhr
Why are people even evaluating his market value - he hasn't played since his last update so nothing should change.
Zitat von Werkself111
Why are people even evaluating his market value - he hasn't played since his last update so nothing should change.

That wouldn't make any sense. So if a player is suddenly no longer in the squad or tears his cruciate ligament, you should simply leave him untouched until he plays again at some point?

•     •     •

Heart over talent
Zitat von Bombatov
Zitat von Werkself111

Why are people even evaluating his market value - he hasn't played since his last update so nothing should change.

That wouldn't make any sense. So if a player is suddenly no longer in the squad or tears his cruciate ligament, you should simply leave him untouched until he plays again at some point?

In Boniface's case, he has overcome much more serious injuries than this and came back stronger - there is enough evidence to suggest that he will not come back from this injury a worse player so he shouldn't be downgraded. Not only that, there is an argument that he is still actually undervalued as realistically Leverkusen would never sell Boniface for such an amount, and most serious clubs would also still bid higher too. I would still refrain from upgrading him however also as he hasn't had the opportunity to continue his good streak from earlier in the season. Players should only be downgraded for injuries in my opinion if the injury lasts 6 months or more and the player's performance before sustaining that injury was already in decline. But Boniface's injury wasn't season ending and his status as one of the Bundesliga's biggest rising stars remains. That's why I'd keep him the same.
Zitat von Werkself111
Zitat von Bombatov

Zitat von Werkself111

Why are people even evaluating his market value - he hasn't played since his last update so nothing should change.

That wouldn't make any sense. So if a player is suddenly no longer in the squad or tears his cruciate ligament, you should simply leave him untouched until he plays again at some point?

In Boniface's case, he has overcome much more serious injuries than this and came back stronger - there is enough evidence to suggest that he will not come back from this injury a worse player so he shouldn't be downgraded. Not only that, there is an argument that he is still actually undervalued as realistically Leverkusen would never sell Boniface for such an amount, and most serious clubs would also still bid higher too. I would still refrain from upgrading him however also as he hasn't had the opportunity to continue his good streak from earlier in the season. Players should only be downgraded for injuries in my opinion if the injury lasts 6 months or more and the player's performance before sustaining that injury was already in decline. But Boniface's injury wasn't season ending and his status as one of the Bundesliga's biggest rising stars remains. That's why I'd keep him the same.

its not only the question if hes stronger or weeker after the injury.
Its more about how many games per season is he able to play? hes 23 and had 3 hard injuries now... thats a lot and will maybe scare some clubs.

•     •     •

Heart over talent
Aktuelle Einschätzung: 39,00 Mio. €  

Boniface hat in seiner Karriere 140 Pflichtspiele absolviert und 102 Spiele verletzungsbedingt verpasst (nach Transfermarkt Daten). Das sind schon extrem hohe Ausfallzeiten. Aufnehmende Vereine werden sich reiflich überlegen, ob man hohe Summen in Boniface investieren sollte. Ich sehe den MW mit dieser Verletzungshistorie vorerst am absoluten Limit (auch bei starkem Comeback). Die Verletzungsanfälligkeit muss hier berücksichtigt werden.
Im Herbst bekam Boniface nach dem überragenden Start in die Saison das verdiente Update. Dann war er leider verletzt und kommt so langsam wieder in den Tritt. Alonso scheint ihn aber langsam heranführen zu wollen, da er zuletzt öfter auf der Bank sitzt. Sehe bei ihm in der Zukunft weitere Aufwertungspotenzial. vom Herbst zu jetzt sehe ich allerdings keine Veränderung in seinem Marktwert.
Der MW sollte erstmal so bleiben. Vor seiner Vorletzung war eher die Meinung, dass er noch weiter hochgestuft werden muss. Er bekommt aktuell hauptäschlich Kurzeinsätze, weil er nach seiner Verletzung schlicht körperlich noch nicht zu 100% fit ist. Trotzdem hat er 3 Buden in der Bundesliga und 1 in der EL erzielt.

ihn nach 30 Scorern in 32 Bundesligaspielen abzuwerten, wäre einfach Irrsinn. Die Verletzung hatte nichts mit seinen Kreuzbandrissen zu tun.

Ergo Sommerpause + Saisonstart abwarten dann zeigt sich, ob es runter oder hoch geht.
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